The Reaching Out television series, a sequence of seven 30-minute programs, invites viewers to a healing process that combines racial bridge-building, compassionate caring, and deep ecological awareness.

Reaching Out grows out of ten town-hall meetings in Oakland, California, where 1,000 people came together in dialogue, addressing the question "What keeps us separate--and what can we do about it?"

The community meetings were hosted by Ram Dass, author of Compassion in Action, and featured

African-American urban environmentalist Carl Anthony,

Roman Catholic priest Thomas Berry,

Latino/Chicano diversity trainer Martín Cano,

Nuclear test-ban activist Carolyn Cottom,

Native American diversity trainer Lakota Hardin,

Native American attorney Winona LaDuke,

AIDS care-giver Bharat Lindemood,

Buddhist scholar Joanna Macy,

The Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir,

Hasidic rabbi Zalman Schachter,

Australian rainforest activist John Seed,

Mime Robert Shields,

Benedictine monk David Steindl-Rast,

Native Hawaiian traditional spokesperson Mililani Trask,

Latino/Chicano community educator Roberto Vargas,

Christian Evangelical minister Jim Wallis,

Singer-songwriter Cris Williamson.

Reaching Out weaves highlights of interviews, presentations, and performance footage with more intimate dialogues in which course participants, meeting in racially-diverse small groups, share their griefs, express their yearnings, build trust, and find a common vision.

Reaching Out is designed to inspire and equip viewers to further the community healing process depicted in the programs. A viewers guide and website ( provide support for home viewing groups and access to resources, and will make possible direct connection among viewers.